Weekends, Money, and Me

I won’t lie. Weekends are tough with me and money (food too, but that’s another story). There’s almost always something to do (which I’ll likely overspend on), somewhere to go (which costs me money), or something to buy. I’m also really bad about Saturdays when I’m running out the door with only a few min to grab a coffee and bagel on the way to the pool…and then something for lunch as I run from the pool to kickball – this weekend is the last weekend of kickball though.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really a stay at home person and don’t mind spending money on dinners out and events, but I think I can tighten the belt so to speak and do a better job not overspending. I start the weekends with the best of intentions and it goes down hill from there!

This weekend, my sister’s play tonight and then bed. Tomorrow however, I have swimming lessons, kickball if I make it in time, Mockingbird Marathon: To Kill a Saturday to swing by, dinner out with friends and a stop at one of our old favorite bars after that. Sunday is open so I might spend the day doing laundry, cleaning and crocheting.

How do you still maintain a social life and tighten your belt at the same time? What do you have planned this weekend?

3 Responses to “Weekends, Money, and Me”

  1. Roz Says:

    I’m sad to say I don’t get out as much as I’d like. S-man works seven days a week this month & is too tired to go out. I make sure he has lots of food, clean laundry, etc. As a result I end up saving a lot of money. It’s lonely, though.

  2. Tweets that mention Weekends, Money, and Me « Budgets are Bold and Sassy -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cute~Ella, Cute~Ella. Cute~Ella said: How do you still maintain a social life and tighten your belt at the same time?: http://wp.me/pLJNX-l […]

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